• FACULTAD: Mercadeo
  • DURACIÓN (Horas): 64 horas
  • FECHA DE INICIO: 21 de junio de 2023 
  • HORARIO:   5:00 pm a 9:00 pm
  • SEDE:  Doctor Angélico
  • VALOR DE LA INSCRIPCIÓN  $ 946.000 (clic aquí para inscribirte)
  • DIRIGIDO A: Estudiantes de Mercadeo
  • MODALIDAD: Presencial Mediado po Tips (PMT)
  • REQUISITOS DE ACREDITACIÓN:  Asistir al 80% de las sesiones


The Strategic Marketing Planning program is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the legal and theoretical foundations that underpin effective marketing strategies. The program delves into key concepts and principles of strategic marketing planning, exploring topics such as market analysis, consumer behavior, segmentation, targeting, positioning, and marketing mix strategies. Participants will gain insights into the legal framework surrounding marketing activities, including ethical considerations, regulatory compliance, and intellectual property rights. By integrating theoretical frameworks with practical applications, the program equips participants with the knowledge and skills to develop and implement successful marketing plans that align with organizational goals. With a focus on legal and theoretical foundations, participants will be empowered to make informed marketing decisions, navigate complex marketing environments, and drive strategic growth in their respective industries.


To appreciate the importance of marketing as a management discipline in ensuring the long term success of organizations across the not-for- profit, public and private business arenas, to develop an understanding of planning in the broadest sense, and of how management approaches may be modified, when seeking acccess to markets.


The justification for offering the Strategic Marketing Planning course lies in the ever-evolving business landscape that demands marketers to possess in-depth knowledge and skills in strategic marketing. In today's highly competitive market, organizations need professionals who can develop effective marketing strategies to gain a competitive edge and drive business growth. This course provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the key principles and frameworks of strategic marketing planning, equipping them with the necessary tools to analyze markets, understand consumer behavior, and develop targeted marketing strategies. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, participants will gain practical insights into developing strategic marketing plans that align with organizational goals and effectively reach and engage target audiences. The course addresses the growing demand for marketers who can navigate complex marketing environments and make data-driven decisions. Overall, this course is justified by the need to equip professionals with the strategic marketing skills required to succeed in today's dynamic business landscape.


Unidad 1: The development of a strategic approach to marketing

Unidad 2: Marketing plan (layout)

Unidad 3: Key planning issues - The key planning questions.

Unidad 4: The importance of market - Implementing strategic marketing


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